Thrive Vitality – Your Source for Holistic Healing

Explore Our Holistic Therapeutics

Discover the Power of High-Purity Cannabis-Derived Products

Thrive Vitality.

About Us

Our Mission is to Share the Life-Changing Benefits of Holistic CBD Products

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Discover the Faces Behind Thrive Vitality

Steven Penn - Chief Operating Officer.

Steven Penn

Co-Founder – Chief Operations Officer

Steven’s journey into the world of holistic health began over 20 years ago. With a background in holistic science, Steven has dedicated his life to understanding the natural ways in which the body can heal and thrive. His extensive study and application of holistic principles have led him to become a respected health coach, known for his deep knowledge and commitment to natural wellness.

Steven’s personal experience with chronic nerve pain was a turning point in his life. Faced with an incurable neurological disorder, he turned to his knowledge of natural supplements, particularly cannabinoids, to find relief. The results were life-changing. What once seemed like an impossible challenge became manageable through the use of natural remedies.

This profound experience inspired Steven to co-found Thrive Vitality, with the goal of sharing these powerful, natural solutions with others who are seeking relief from similar struggles.

William Welch - Chief Executive Officer.

William welch

Co-Founder – Chief Exective Officer

With years of experience guiding others to achieve their fitness goals, William understands the importance of recovery and overall well-being. His personal use of Thrive Vitality’s Rest & Recovery products has been transformative, allowing him to maintain high levels of physical performance while ensuring proper recovery and enhanced sleep quality.
However, William’s passion for health extends far beyond the gym. As a husband and father of two boys, William is intimately aware of the challenges families face, particularly when dealing with serious health issues like cancer.

His family’s experience with cancer has deeply impacted him, fueling his commitment to finding natural ways to support those undergoing treatment.

As a leaders at Thrive Vitality, they ensure that every product is backed by rigorous research and third-party testing, guaranteeing the purity and potency that our customers rely on. Our commitment to quality and integrity is evident in every aspect of the company’s operations.


Experience the Benefits of CBD Products

Explore Our Range of High-Purity CBD and Cannabinoid Products

  • CBD Products
  • Rest & Recovery
  • Nerve Pain Relief
  • Improved Sleep Quality
  • Legal Cannabinoids